23 Brigade Dismisses Advert for Alledged Charity Event


The Headquarters of 23 Brigade, Nigerian Army, has issued a warning to the public regarding an advertisement circulating for an alleged charity event titled ‘A 3 Day Charity Exercise/10km Trek 2024.’

The Brigade says the banner claims to celebrate 25 years of the Nigerian Army Officers Wives Association (NAOWA) humanitarian service at the Officers Mess, Army Cantonment Yola, from February 8 to 11, 2024.

The Brigade said in a statement, “The suspicious advertisement, signed by an individual using the name AB Gofai AFOBREF, claims to be the Commandant, with a provided phone number (08123497002).

“The advert urges unsuspecting citizens to make payments for advertisement through the Firstmonie Wallet and Palmpay account number 8132843616, under the account name Captain Jacub BD.

“In response, the 23 Brigade unequivocally denies the existence of a Commandant named AB Gofai and disavows any association with an individual known as Captain Jacub BD within the Brigade.

“The public is strongly cautioned against making any payments to the mentioned accounts. Furthermore, the 23 Brigade emphasizes that no such program as described above is organized by the Members of the Nigerian Army Officers Wives Association (NAOWA) 23 Brigade.”

The statement, signed by Lieutenant Princewill Odoemenam, Acting Assistant Director and Public Relations Officer for 23 Brigade, added, “We categorically distance ourselves from this fraudulent advert and advise the general public to exercise caution and refrain from engaging with any dubious calls for advertising or sponsorship for the aforementioned fake event.

“The Nigerian Army, taking matters of fraud seriously, encourages the public to report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities.”